地址:台北市大安區光復南路102號3樓 PicCollage

洽詢電話:02-27789220 | Operations


嗨!我們是來自矽谷的新創團隊 PicCollage 拼貼趣,主要產品『PicCollage』是一個追求自由創造及分享的照片拼貼app,主要使用者來自美國、英國及日本等國家。目前全球下載量已突破 2 億,每個月 1500 萬穩定用戶量,並且持續增長中! 在PicCollage 拼貼趣團隊我們鼓勵自由創造,擁抱差異與多元文化,致力於打造『開放、學習、分享』的工作環境。另外,我們的新產品團隊近期以『影音編輯』作為開發重點,運用 Machine Learning、Data Analytics等技術,致力打造使用者友善的 app,再戰繼下一個產品里程碑!


照片影片類 APP 開發、軟體開發、手機內購買 (In-App-Purchase)


請透過 PicCollage 職缺頁面直接應徵!
Our Openings:


★ Core values:
- Invent the future:每月舉辦 InnoFest (Internal Hackday),放下手邊工作發揮創意、翻玩最新技術!
- Always be learning:舉辦各式內部工作坊,從技術分享、設計思考到各種語言課程
- Fun, creative and international: 與來自不同國家同事合作,辦公室就是小矽谷兼英文教室

★ More benefits:
- PicCafe 給你吃不完的零食飲料
- 每日歡樂團隊午餐時間,整條慶城街都是我們的餐廳 :D
- 彈性工作時間,可以自由選擇 Work from home or cafe
- 每週 2 天在辦公室有 Yoga 或 TRX 課程,一起變得更健康
- 更多好玩的:HTC Vive、PSVR、Xbox、Switch...下班與休息時間一起來PK

★ 辦公室環境:
- 舒適寬敞的辦公室就在松菸對面,好天氣的時候一起去散散步吧!
- 休息空間有個放置各種樂器的小舞台,歡迎各路音樂人來 jam :D
- 不再整天坐在辦公椅上!我們有溫馨的 private rooms讓你有獨處的空間
- 傳聞是真的,我們的辦公室有小黑貓!

目前共有 4 個職缺類型

Machine Learning Intern




- You love problem-solving, and you have good programming ability.
- Familiar with object-oriented programming, data structures, version control, etc.
- You are proactive, take initiative, communicative and work well in a team environment.
- Know how to use at least one machine learning framework (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Caffe,...).
- Have experience manipulating/exploring data in a personal project.


- Please note we prefer interns who can commit *at least four days a week preferably*. If you believe you fit the bill, and are eager to start a new journey in a fun and creative startup team, hesitate no more and join us!


- Research cutting-edge machine learning techniques and apply them for assisted creativity.
- Quickly prototype simple machine learning models to demonstrate your ideas.
- Collaborate with the product and developer team to push new features to production.

時薪:235 - 235 臺北市
Developer Intern




- Enjoys challenges.
- Have good communication skills.
- Proactive, curious, and loving learning!
- Passionate about building. Should be able to show some demos.
- Solid software engineering skills, including fundamentals such as data structures, algorithms, and version control.


- Built highly interactive applications with a strong sense of UI/UX.
- Had participated in some competitions or hackathons.
- Being interested in AI/ML.


- You must be able to work in the office.
- You'll be assigned to the Web or Mobile Team (not the ML Team) depending on your interview performance and interests.
- You should commit for at least 3 months, working 5 days/week during summer, and 3 days/week during the academic year.
- If you feel you're a good fit and are eager to join a creative, fun startup team. Don't hesitate – join us!


- Sharing the responsibility to continuously improve the codebase and enhance our work, which includes research, programming, reviewing, and debugging.
- Continuously discover, evaluate, and utilize new technologies to maximize development efficiency.
- Providing feedback and proposing solutions.
- Build MVPs quickly - we love to build and shape ideas into reality.
- Participate in fun hack projects.

時薪:235 - 235 臺北市
Testing & Office Intern


-You are careful, willing to take initiative, and are not afraid to ask questions.
-You are organized, efficient, observant, patient and committed.
-You have a high level of attention to detail.
-You are good at documenting and communicating your ideas.
-You have basic fluency in English communication.
-You have basic proficiency in conversational Chinese to manage everyday tasks such as ordering food, making inquiries, and contacting stores.

-We prefer interns who can work 3 days a week for 6 months at least; or 4~5 days for 3 months minimum. 
-Please be noted that this will be an onsite position.

If you believe you fit the bill above, and are eager to start a new journey in a fun and creative startup team, hesitate no more and join us!


We are looking for people who will focus on product testing, and supporting ad hoc tasks related to Company Operations.

For Product Testing, you will be involved in hands-on testing of pre-released features and updates made for our PicCollage App and other new products. You will be responsible for product stability and quality assurance, reporting bugs and documenting your observations and suggestions for product improvements.

For Company Operations, you will assist in the daily upkeep and organization of the office, upholding a conducive working environment. Ad-hoc tasks related to office management or event planning should be expected.

Come take part in building apps for millions of users and run a fast-moving startup company!


-Product testing during sprint cycles.
-Joining daily product scrum meetings.
-Helping with office supplies, ad-hoc event planning, hosting and office management tasks.

時薪:235 - 235 臺北市
Community Intern



- Enthusiastic about social interaction and community building.
- You are a people person who enjoys interacting with users.
- You are a problem solver.
- You have excellent proficiency in English.


- Experience in community building.
- Experience in copywriting and social media management are a plus!


- Passion for PicCollage and a genuine interest in fostering a positive online community.
- Strong written communication skills, with a knack for creating engaging and shareable content.
- Enthusiastic about social interaction and community building.
- Ability to collaborate effectively in a virtual team environment.
- Ensuring excellent user support by promptly addressing inquiries and resolving issues.


時薪:235 - 235 臺北市