地址:台北市松山區八德路四段 277 號 7 樓

洽詢電話: |


Oursky 是一家創立於香港的軟體公司,除了在香港、台北和倫敦設有固定辦公室,我們多元化的團隊成員在不同國家和地點遠端工作。我們以開發者和技術為中心、推崇職人精神,並致力推動社會進步。我們以開發開源軟體解決方案為己任,協助企業進行數位轉型,以及幫助開發者打造安全及重視隱私的軟體。我們的產品均是自籌經費研發,確保 Oursky 的工程師文化及素質能體現在每個項目上。


*FormX 能透過手機掃描或拍攝文檔,擷取其中的重要資訊並將其結構化。 用戶可以上傳樣本,並透過標記來自行訓練新模型;另外我們針對收據、發票、身份證 / 護照等文件提供預訓練的模型,使用我們的 FormX API 更為便捷。

*Authgear 是一項隨插即用的開源身份驗證,其對開發者友善、預設多種功能的特性,有助消費者應用程式增長。 透過簡便的系統整合,Authgear 協助企業改善用戶體驗、註冊轉換率、帳戶安全等範疇,同時統一各平台上的認證體驗。

*專業服務:我們致力為全球各地客戶打造創新的數位產品及優秀的用戶體驗。我們的服務涵蓋 UI/UX 設計、軟體開發、機器學習 (machine learning)、軟體測試及產品管理顧問服務。過去我們一直深得客戶信賴,包括嶄露頭角的新創公司,以及大型企業例如 Google、Milwaukee、渣打銀行及匯豐銀行等等。




- 彈性上班時間,可遠端工作
- 無請假限制,補班日不上班
- 可以吸貓(對!我們養貓!)
- 扁平化的公司架構,歡迎直接嗆老闆
- 公開透明的薪酬、調薪和升遷制度
- 辦公室配置 MacBook 及 27” 螢幕
- 每週聚餐和每月團體活動
- 休閒設備(Switch、PS、滑步機等等)
- 免費零食、咖啡機、飲料
- 海外辦公室機票補助
- 法定福利(勞保、健保、勞工退休金)
- 加入公司 2 年以上的同事可一起分享公司利潤

目前共有 2 個職缺類型

Junior Web / Mobile App Developer



- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience;

- 0 - 2 years of working experience;


Who we are looking for

- You want to work in a small team and hate bureaucratic processes;

- You’re a quick learner, geeky and love hacking stuff;

- You enjoy trying out new things and cutting-edge technologies;

- You love solving problems and code;

- You have experience or eager to learn Web / Mobile Frontend and Backend technologies;

- You have experience or eager to learn to build production-quality systems that serve at massive scales.

Read more at:


- You will architect and build new web or mobile apps in their entirety.

- You will be involved in discussions, planning and brainstorming features for different digital products.

- You will learn and be coached by senior developers via onboarding mentorship, standup meetings and code review.

- You will be following our development process including using GitHub, Pull Request review, retrospective code review, issue tracking in sprints cycle, and CI/CD with GitHub, etc.

- You will grow into a leadership role by demonstrating your technical excellence, coaching others, and improving our tech and development process.

- Have fun and play with the cats in our office. :)

Read more at:

月薪:75500 - 100500 臺北市
Software Engineering Intern


We are hiring Software Engineering Interns to join our Engineering Team!


- You want to work in a small team and hate bureaucratic processes;
- You’re a quick learner, geeky and love hacking stuff;
- You enjoy trying out new things and cutting-edge technologies;
- You love solving problems and code;
- You have experience or eager to learn Web Frontend and Backend technologies!



- Learn cutting-edge technologies in Web (JavaScript, HTML, Python, RoR, Golang) OR iOS / Android development.
- Learn the best practices in software development, including code review sessions to make sure your classes are properly designed, unit testing, usage and atomic commit to a git repository, etc.
- Learn to pay attention to details, especially how to implement beautiful and nice UI with guidance and review by other developers and designers.
- Work with a team of rockstar developers and cats!


We write code in the following tech stacks, you don't have to know all of these coming in.

- Backend: Python, Go, TypeScript, C#, Rust, RoR
- Web Frontend / PWA: React.js, Vue.js, Flutter, Stimulus
- Storage / Cache: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Elastic Search
- Mobile: Native iOS (Swift), Android (Kotlin), React Native, Flutter
- Tools: Basecamp, Slack, GitHub,
- DevOps: Docker, K8s, GitHub Actions, Makefile

面議 臺北市